Sugar Land-Based Seat Belt Defect Lawyer
Can Seat Belts Be Dangerous?
"Buckling up is the single most effective thing you can do to protect yourself in a crash," according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Seat belts save thousands of lives every year. If seat belts are defective, however, they may do more harm than good. A defective seat belt can cause a driver or passenger to experience considerable injury in a collision.
Seat Belt Defects & Their Causes
A seat belt may malfunction in various ways, including:
- The buckle may open or unlatch upon impact in a collision or even when a vehicle comes to a sudden stop
- The seat belt itself may dislodge from its permanent mount in the vehicle
- The seat belt strap may also tear or rip during impact
These three scenarios render the seat belt completely useless.
What Injuries Could Be Caused By a Defective Seatbelt?
An ill-fitting shoulder harness or lap belt may cause:
- Lacerations
- Contusions
- Bone fractures
- And even internal organ damage in a collision
A seat belt that fails to unlatch after an accident can prove equally harmful, preventing a vehicle occupant from escaping smoke, fire or other hazards.
Contact our skilled Sugar Land seat belt defect attorney today for your free case evaluation.
What Causes Defective Seat Belts?
Potential causes of these and other seat belt defects may include:
- Defective material used to construct the seat belt, buckle or hardware used to attach it to the vehicle
- A defective design that leads to an ill-fitting seat belt or a tendency to unbuckle/detach in a collision
- A manufacturing defect, such as a buckle with a missing part, which can lead to seat belt failure
Choose an Experienced Seat Belt Injury Attorney
If you were injured in a car accident and believe that a seat belt defect caused or contributed to your injuries, The West Law Firm may be able to help. Our Sugar Land seat belt defect lawyers are experienced with auto product liability claims. We have gone up against manufacturing giants and have recovered millions of dollars for the injured and wronged.
The West Law Firm is the only firm in Texas to handle the first two multidistrict litigation cases here, both of which involved auto defects. Our team stands ready to help.

When you work with our firm, you can rest-easy knowing that your case is in the hands of a highly awarded and respected attorney. Scott West is a board certified attorney, willing to fight and do whatever it takes to help our clients win. When you entrust your case with our firm, you can be confident that a legal expert is on your side.