Multidistrict Litigation Attorney in Sugar Land, TX
Fighting for the Injured and Wronged in MDL Lawsuits
Are you one of the many people to be injured or otherwise harmed by a large company, corporation, or mass disaster? You may have a right to compensation for your damages. Often, this compensation can be found through multidistrict litigation, also known as an MDL.
At The West Law Firm, we are committed to advocating for real people like you. When a case is as large as yours, you need experienced legal help in your corner. Over our many years of practice, we have recovered millions of dollars for our clients.
What Is Multidistrict Litigation (MDL)?
When a large number of people take legal action after being adversely affected by a defective product, dangerous drug or medical device, or a large disaster like an airplane crash, their cases may be consolidated to a single court.
The federal court system uses this method, called multidistrict litigation (MDL), to not only save time and resources but to garner consistent court rulings for separate lawsuits that involve very similar issues.
What Is the Difference Between Class Action Lawsuits and Multidistrict Litigation?
MDLs and class actions are two separate things, although they are often confused for one another.
Class action litigation involves filing a single lawsuit for numerous plaintiffs (injured parties) against a defendant or defendants (allegedly at-fault party). On the other hand, with an MDL, the cases will be assigned to a single district court, which will then handle all pretrial and discovery proceedings.
An MDL can speed up the process considerably by requiring defendants and witnesses to be deposed only once rather than time and time again by every single plaintiff. The judge handling the MDL will also become an expert on the matter and will be able to make more effective rulings that will apply to all pertinent lawsuits.
Contact our law firm online today for your free consultation with a multidistrict litigation lawyer in Sugar Land.
Work With a Proven MDL Law Firm
The Only Firm to Handle the First Two MDL Cases Filed in Texas
The West Law Firm is the only firm to handle the first two MDL cases filed in Texas.
In the first case, an auto product injury case involving Toyota, founding attorney S. Scott West was one of five members on the panel that headed up all of Texas. Attorney West served on the panel for the second case as well, which was another auto product liability case against General Motors.
Serving on these panels, Attorney West gained an even better understanding of product defects and established good relationships with the other lawyers and experts involved in the case. His engineering background also proved useful, as he was able to analyze the cases from an engineering standpoint.
For experienced legal counsel, contact our Texas MDL lawyers at (281) 277-1500.

When you work with our firm, you can rest-easy knowing that your case is in the hands of a highly awarded and respected attorney. Scott West is a board certified attorney, willing to fight and do whatever it takes to help our clients win. When you entrust your case with our firm, you can be confident that a legal expert is on your side.